1R - Web Development Resources

Mozilla Developer Network

The Mozilla Developer Network website is an open-source, collaborative project documenting web platform technologies, including HTML, CSS, Javascript, and web APIs. I first heard of this website through the JavaScript class and I have been trying to use it more as a resource when I need help with web development related work. The site is very detailed and is constantly trying to update their information.


W3Schools was the very first site I used to learn about HTML5 and CSS back during the website coding days. It was referenced in the class as a resource, so I have been use to using it. I prefer the layout of W3Schools over other sites so it's easier for me to find the information I'm looking for. If I needed more in-depth details or guides, I would probably find a different website as my resource.

CSS Tricks

I found CSS Tricks last semester or this past session either from my Web Graphic Design or Web Design class. It was listed as a resource and ever since then I have been using this site. Chris Coyier is the founder of CSS Tricks. This site has multiple guides about web development related stuff. Their guides are very detailed. Some guides even have pictures for you if you're a visual learner.

Summary of the Documentation

These websites are just some of the online resources that I use. I know there are many more resources out there that may be better than the ones I have listed. I'm always willing to check out more sites and sources and add them to my collection. The more knowledge, the better. 😁