Research and document web design professionals and the "Tools I Use" or "Uses" pages. Many developers prepare pages on their website's sharing what tools they use as part of their daily workflow. Document 3 different collections of tools.
Tools I Use - 1
Spencer Aung, a front end developer from Myanmar, currently residing in Seoul has quite a list of tools. He uses iterm2 with Oh-My-Zsh! for better terminal experience. He uses Mind Node to study, plan, and brainstorm. and Excalidraw are his go to for quick mockings and diagrams. For password management, he uses 1password. Spencer also provides various editors that he uses for coding. I think he has an interesting amount of tools that I may consider looking more into.
Tools I Use - 2
John Slipper, a web developer from Auckland, New Zealand provides an interesting list of tools. The ones that caught my attention specifically were the extensions that he has listed. I don't really use any extensions when coding and it was interesting to see what he had. GitLens extension, Prettier extension, and ESLint extension were the ones he had. GitLens adds more git features to VS Code. Prettier extension is for automatic code formatting. ESLint is for code linting.
Tools I Use - 3
Josh Collinsworth, a front end developer, shared his coding tools. He likes to use Visual Studio Code along with some of the following extensions: es6-string-html, polacode, and GitLens. It was interesting to see how these extensions work in visual studio and it's always cool trying to implement what these different extensions can do for you.
Summary of the Documentation
It is always interesting to see the tools that web designers and developers use during their daily work flow to be successful. I think seeing what other developers use and seeing if you like the tools they're using, can help improve your own daily work flow.