Mind Stone


Mind Stone

Originally housed in Loki's scepter, the Mind Stone (yellow) was first seen in The Avengers when Loki is given a scepter by Thanos to help locate the Tesseract and conquer Earth with its ability to control people's minds and project energy blasts. After Loki's defeat, the scepter falls into the hands of Hydra leader Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, who is shown in the mid-credits scene of Captain America: The Winter Soldier to have been using it to experiment on humans. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, it is revealed that the only surviving subjects of Strucker's experiments are the siblings Pietro Maximoff and Wanda Maximoff, in whom superhuman abilities were unlocked (in the latter's case, amplifying her innate magic) before Strucker's base is attacked by the Avengers, who take back the scepter. The scepter is later revealed to contain the Mind Stone, which itself contains an artificial intelligence that grants sentience to the computer program Ultron, who steals the scepter and removes the Mind Stone to create a newly upgraded body. The Avengers steal the Mind Stone–infused body from Ultron and upload the A.I. J.A.R.V.I.S. into it, giving birth to the android Vision. The Mind Stone can also enhance the user's intelligence, grant them immense knowledge, and create new life.

Mind Stone
Color Yellow
Object Loki's Scepter, Vision's forehead
Ability Control minds
First Appeareance The Avengers