1 - Who is the target audience
The targeted audience are friends, family members, students, and employers who are interested in seeing the hard work from our fellow NWTC students. The showcase can help inspire other students for future projects as well as help employers find potential candidates for their jobs.
2 - What is the message
The main message is to provide information and details on when and where the NWTC Digital Arts Showcase is taking place. On the home page, in the side bar area, I included the exact details of the event.
3 - What is the goal
The goal of this site is to get visitors to attend the event.
4 - What are the CTAs (Call(s) To Action)
Most of the CTA's on my site are from the main cards. I decided I wanted the cards to become larger and hoverable to get the audience to want to click and read more about the programs.
5 - Design Summary - Discuss your design choices
The reason I had the layout show as it is was to provide the main information in the middle and other important information in the aside area. I wanted to make the cards 'pop out' to the viewer. As for the color, I wanted to try something different and stay away from neutral colors. I looked up some color palettes that I could try and there was this particular orange and grey/black scheme that I liked. For typography, I chose Sans-Serif and Shantelle-Sans. I really liked that it wasn't too basic looking.