Envy Labs Review



Image of source code.

The source code for their website has a ton of divs and classes working together. There also looks like there are a lot of javascript and perhaps some jQuery running on the browser to style and animate the pages.

User Interface - UI

Screenshot of user interface.

The website's design is very responsive to the user's interactions. For example, dragging and hovering the mouse over the mint background causes the shapes in the background to move away from the mouse. Most elements on the page have some sort of hover effect that makes the design perfectly aligned.

User Experience - UX

Screenshot of user interface.

The best part of this website was just the responsiveness of it. The experience made it easy to see what was being hovered. Hovering made it clear to what link I would be going to. I mainly stayed on this website just to see everything move around.


Overall, Envylab's website was visually aesthetic and I would say it gave me a positive experience because of how fascinated I was by it. I clicked almost every page just to see the browser interactions that I didn't even realize or care what the website was even about.